Monday, June 13, 2011


Today while driving to my first day on the job i noticed something interesting. The 45 minute car ride to my orientation was one of the most enjoyable car rides i've ever had alone. Then i got to thinking and realized how car drives are a key example to show the theory of relativity. If you have an enjoyable experience waiting for you at the end of the drive, it is going to feel like forever. However i was not exactly looking forward to the 3 hours of job training i had to endure so every song that i played from my ipod gained new meaning, every landmark i saw was beautiful, and every speed limit sign was aptly obeyed. The time passed faster than it does when i am sitting at my computer browsing stumbleupon and then i got to realize that by planning events(or making up fake events if you can convince yourself you are going to go) either worse or better than the situation you are currently in you can feel like you are either spending more time or less depending  on how long you want the situation you are currently in to last. Im going to spend some time looking into it but if it truly does work this simply you can trick your mind into perceiving work as fun and fun as even longer amounts of fun. The mind is a wonderful place to be. Thanks for reading my structured rants/thoughts.


  1. I agree. When I go to Uni I definitely wish the time went slower when I'm in my car, haha.

  2. lol love car rides. I just got my G2 so i'm pretty new to this, but wow is it freeing

  3. It's pretty weird how this is true and actually works.

  4. Followed, checkout my restaurant reviews.

  5. this is truth and works
